Thursday, December 21, 2006

Did you know?

A few days ago I was wandering around the internet, which usually has something to do with google, because google is amazing. And I came across this. OH MY GOD! Not just amazing but FREAKIN' Amazing!

So, I thought I would pass some time during this final week of work for the year (its been slow with all the students at home) by looking over some of the books on my to read list like Name of the Rose & Last Temptation of Christ (um, Kazantzakis has museum!) sadly, they were no where to be found on the site. Turns out Google Books is just a baby, but maybe some day and how awesome is that?!

Although, I should say there are some rather interesting reads on there like this and this. Maybe you have one or two to add...


JDM said...

gbooks is going to be awesome. this summer they signed a contract with harvard, and i think stanford and berkely to electronically scan all the books in their libraries and put them online. thats like 9 million volumes!!! who needs paper anymore?

Amber said...

I forgot to say, that I recently learned that The Library of Congress gets over 7,000 new books every day! Can you believe that? With such an amount of new books coming out each and every day I don't know how google will pull this one off, it just seems to big....

JDM said...

google is like god. they do the impossible

Ann said...

I have to say even though paper seems to be no longer needed, in my opinion it is still to be desired! I want to touch and smell the pages of the book that I am reading.

Amber said...

I completely agree. Even if the books I want to read could be printed off, I would still go and buy them. Call me a purist if you will, but I won't have it any other way.

JDM said...

stephen king, a year or two ago, had a wonderful article in the times about electronic books and his love for the printed word. he said that he loved the sight of books on a shelf and the texture of paper and that the only way you would get a printed book away from him was if you pried it from his cold dead fingers. i have to agree

Scarlet Zapata said...

Get with the TIMES, guys....