Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Forster v. Dickens

As many know, I have been on a little crush of Charles Dickens since reading Bleak House. So any mention of Dickens (usually they are negative, I find) peaks my interest.
While reading a chapter from Anatomy of Criticism, by Northrop Frye, I came across this delightful jab at the anti-Dickensians while Frye was talking about the comic use of repetition.

"Mr. E.M. Forster speaks with disdain of Dickens's Mrs. Micawber, who never says anything except that she will never desert Mr. Micawber: a strong contrast is marked here between the refined writer to finicky for popular formulas, and the major one who exploits them ruthlessly."

That's it. Just a little note since the blog has been a bit slower as of late.

1 comment:

whb said...

E.M. Forster is far more interesting than Dickens. Sorry, but it's true.