Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let the reading begin...

A novel is like a bow, and the violin that produces the sound is the reader's soul. -Stendhal

I have started The Red and The Black as promised. For those of you that aren't sure what the story is even about: It's based on a article that was written in the Gazette des Tribunaux (1829) about the trial of a young man charged with the attempted murder of an ex-mistress. Who doesn’t love a good French crime novel?


Scarlet Zapata said...


Scarlet Zapata said...

How is it coming along, dear?

Amber said...

Oh, not so well. Its decently interesting when I am actually reading, but not so intriguing when I think about sitting down to read it. I think I am going to pick up another book to read along side it and inspire me...

Scarlet Zapata said...

I liked it and found it pretty funny by the end. It's totally absurd. Watching those people interact is kind of like watching a car accident, it's fascinating and slightly disturbing but you can't look away.