Tuesday, February 13, 2007


For those of you that don't read Pandas and love books: WHB recently introduced me to a little site called LibraryThing. And as a book lover, let me tell you, IT IS AMAZING! I haven't gotten any work done for the past two days because I keep going back to the site and adding adding adding more books! It's so fun. And it gives you the opportunity to see what books your friends have.

cbhillstom and I (zumskifinke) have 70 books in common. I think that's a record!

Check it out.


whb said...

I have to say, they need to find a way to make it a bit more like facebook or myspace so that I can finally experience what the addicts of those sites always talk about... at last, I will be able to obsess over a website and not feel guilty... it's about books after all!

czf said...

you know what its about, myspace whore of the WB and the librarians. not that i'm judging. i have an account on the myspaces too.
bookfacebook. they could call it that.