Wednesday, February 07, 2007

North and South, and Iulius Caeser

In between working on my thesis (very interesting) and studying for my comps (some less interesting & some quite interesting) I am currently reading North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. Yes, I am still taking Victorian Industrial Novel. I know little about Gaskell, other than she was friends with Dickens, occasionally found him to be an obnoxious editor of North and South as it was published in Household Words, but recognized (as every one did) how brilliant he was and usually took his advice. As for Gaskell, well, Dickens liked her too. But so far she is a very striking writer. And I've learned that living in the North of England during the Industrial Revolution would have been less than preferable.

The other project I have recently attached myself too, which ended yesterday, actually, was translating the Ides Martiae from Latin to English for my Latin midterm. I learned that Caesar did not actually say 'Et tu, Brute?' as Shakespeare seems to have famoused. (Gaius Iulius Caesar non dicit 'et tu brute', sed 'et tu filii meus' inquit) Rather he said, 'You too, my son?' in Greek, something to the effect of 'Kai su teknon.'
Unrelated Update:
breaking news from cnn. Apparently they found the bodies of romeo and juliet (the 5-6000 year old version.


Amber said...

Et tu Christopher? Thanks for saving the blog by posting. Except, are you sure your declentions are correct in that one sentence?

czf said...

actually there is one word that is incorrectly declined. i realize now. which one is it? anyone?
win a mystery prize.
(no prize will be awarded for this contest. offer valid only in puerto rico and hawaii. void where prohibited(which is where you live)).

whb said...

I'm reading Harry Potter in French (la coupe de la feu). It's not as much fun when you have to labor over it.
Did you know that a magic wand is a "baguette"?
It's awesome when characters start pointing their baguettes at one another.

Amber said...

blah blah you people and your reading books in other languages...

diedan said...

I only read books in one language, and that language is BooksOnCDs.

bmo said...

I can't wait for BooksOnDVD. I think it would be nice to be able to have, say, Patrick Stewart in my living room reading to me. He'd be in a big chair, with a fire going...we'd be smoking pipes and drinking brandy...every once in awhile he would stop reading and we would have a discussion about what he just read.