Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Well, I don't know how to feel about this...Oprah (I cringe to even put her name on here) has picked the next book for her book club, Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides. I suppose this is good for Eugenides, his sales will skyrocket because for some reason people listen to her. I just wish he had pulled Franzen on her...sigh. But, apparently if you delcine an invitation by The "O" you are outcast from society.... Yes people, this is the same "O" who is obsessed with The Secret. If you don't know what the The Secret is consider yourself blessed. The author argues that all you have to do to achieve success is think it. For example, "If you want to be skinner, start thinking skinny. And stop looking at Fat people." I wonder if that was the method Oprah took to lose all her fat?

Either way, Middlesex is a great book and you should read it, if you haven't already.


JDM said...

what do you have against Oprah and her book club? I know she has picked some duds, but look at the books over the last couple years and just try and tell me it is not a kick ass reading list.

Anna Karenina
As I Lay Dying
Cry, the Beloved Country
The Good Earth
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
A Light in August
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Road
The Sound and the Fury

whb said...

Sorry. I agree with JDM. She isn't the best, but she isn't the worst. If she gets people to read good books, then great. People will read crap books no matter what.
That and I think about being hot in the sack and damn, I'm hot in the sack, so the Secret works for me.

Anonymous said...

Love her or hate her, she is getting people to read. That's good news for readers, writers, publishers and everyone else related to books.

While I agree that 'the Secret' is a creation of reprehensible money grubbing, by and large Oprah uses her power for good.

I think that's why some people hate her.