Monday, October 29, 2007

The Never-Ending Story

Today's NYTimes has (another) story on Dumbledore, and I thought I would post it, because I like this part. It's thoughtful and handles the question of whether Rowling's Dumbledore is the reader's.
Then, this: "Her heroes are the hybrids, the misfits, those of mixed blood, all bearing scars of loss and love: the half-giant Hagrid, the mudblood Hermione (whose parents were not wizards), the poverty-stricken Ron, the orphaned Harry. Perhaps speaking of Dumbledore as gay was just a matter of creating another diverse rebel against orthodoxy."

1 comment:

bmo said...

isn't tom riddle one of those: "hybrids, the misfits, those of mixed blood, all bearing scars of loss and love"?