Monday, July 16, 2007

Keep on Readin'

Luminous is at a point of transition, if you haven't already noticed. It's not that I haven't been reading, because believe me, I have. I am just hesitant to swamp you with more information than you want, or not even more information per se but information that you might not be interested in. Information about the Federal Depository Library Program maybe (did you know you can access any "public" govt doc via your FD Library, find your library here)? Or how about Copyrighting and Fair Use? Which would of course lead me to talking about Creative Commons, for you artistic types looking for the balance between copyrighting and fair use. No? Well then, how about this...I finished my school reading this weekend and now I have my head in Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon. Has anyone read it? "They" say its the greatest mystery novel ever written. And while I have just started the novel and am usually hesitant to rave about a book before I finish it (lest it take a nose dive at end) I really am enjoying it thus far. It is a very cinematic novel, I can literally see Sam Spade's cigarette smoke rising from his dimly lit office as I delve into the pages. And no, I have not see the movie...yet. But here is a pretty kick ass poster for the movie to peak your interests.
Also, as I don't have the time for those great big and often slow reads, (think the Russian's) I am looking for books that I can really get into but won't keep me from school work. Hence the mystery novel. Please let me know if you have any book recommendations that I just must read.


JDM said...

No Country for Old Men - Cormac McCarthy

Double Indemnity - James Cain

Anonymous said...

HA! You liked the Maltese Falcon? Then read the Thin Man! You will never regret it Ever. It's by Hammett (and on my list of recommendations way back). rent the Thin Man movie- its an old black and white and that's great as well. And then sometime we'll get together and watch it and every time they have cocktails, we'll have one too. We'll be smashed but that's what the Thin Man is all about.

Amber said...

Cat c or e. you are on. its a date.

czf said...

thin man is awesome. the movie anyway. never read the bookform.

double indemnity is playing later this summer in the free movies in the park.
in chicago.

Amber said...

sweet, two dates!

Anonymous said...

screw the thin man book. the movie is a top five comedy OF ALL TIME. somewhere after "his girl friday" and "return of the jedi". but seriously. read the third man, watch the thin man. and then watch all six thin man sequels. you can borrow them from me.


i swear the word verification thingy says "quidditch"